Adding new distributions
Merging support for a new distribution in mkosi depends on a few
factors. Not all of these are required but depending on how many of
these requirements are satisfied, the chances of us merging support for
your distribution will improve:
- Is the distribution somewhat popular? mkosi’s goal is not to support
every distribution under the sun, the distribution should have a
substantial amount of users.
- Does the distribution differentiate itself somehow from the
distributions that are already supported? We’re generally not
interested in supporting distributions that only consist of minimal
configuration changes to another distribution.
- Is there a long-term maintainer for the distribution in mkosi? When
proposing support for a new distribution, we expect you to be the
maintainer for the distribution and to respond when pinged for
support on distribution specific issues.
- Does the distribution use a custom package manager or one of the
already supported ones (apt, dnf, pacman, zypper)? Supporting new
package managers in mkosi is generally a lot of work. We can support
new ones if needed for a new distribution, but we will insist on the
package manager having a somewhat sane design, with official support
for building in a chroot and running unprivileged in a user namespace
being the bare minimum features we expect from any new package
We will only consider new distributions that satisfy all or most of
these requirements. However, you can still use mkosi with the
distribution by setting the Distribution
setting to custom
implementing either providing the rootfs via a skeleton tree or base
tree, or by providing the rootfs via a prepare script.
Implementing new distributions
To actually implement a new distribution, the following checklist can be
- Add the distribution to the
- Add the implementation of the distribution in
If the distribution is a variant of an existing distribution, inherit
from the existing distribution’s installer class and only override the
necessary methods.
- Update any relevant methods on the
enum to take the new
distribution into account.
- Update the documentation in
- Update the default initrd, tools and default image configurations in
, mkosi/resources/mkosi-tools
respectively. If the distribution is a variant of
another existing distribution, update the [Match]
blocks for the
existing distribution to also match against the new distribution. To
test whether all necessary changes were made, you can run
mkosi -d <distribution> --tools-tree -t disk -f vm